What is the electronic visa Laos

The E-Visa Laos is an electronic travel authorization which the Laos government has launched officially in July 2019. Citizens from eligible countries can apply online for their e Visa Laos.

What is the electronic visa Laos

List of eligible countries

Albania Djibouti Luxembourg Saint Vincent and Grenadines
Andorra Dominica Macau Samoa
Angola Dominican Republic Madagascar San Marino
Antigua and Barbuda Ecuador Malawi Sao Tome and Pricipe
Argentina Egypt Malaysia Saudi Arabia
Armenia El Salvador Maldives Serbia
Australia Equatorial Guinea Mali Seychelles
Austria Eritrea Marshall Islands Singapore
Azerbaijan Ethiopia Mauritania Slovakia
Bahamas Fiji Mauritius Slovenia
Bahrain Finland Mexico Solomon Islands
Barbados France Micronesia Somalia
Belarus Gabon Moldova South Africa
Belgium Gambia Monaco Spain
Belize Georgia Mongolia Sri Lanka
Benin Germany Montenegro Sweden
Bhutan Greece Morocco Switzerland
Bolivia Grenada Myanmar Taiwan
Bosnia and Herzegovina Guatemala Namibia Tajikistan
Botswana Guyana Nepal Thailand
Brazil Haiti Netherlands Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav
Brunei Darussalam Hong Kong New Zealand Timor Leste
Bulgaria Honduras Nicaragua Togo
Burkina Faso Hungary Norway Trinidad and Tobago

As soon as the e visa to Laos is approved, the traveller will be able to stay in Laos for tourism purposes for a maximum period of 30 days for a single entry.

To be able to benefit from this easy and rapid way of obtaining an eVisa, applicants must provide the correct information concerning their passport.

When arriving in Laos, travellers must show their approved Tourist E visa Laos to the border authorities to enter the country.

The Laos E visa application is aimed to make more fluid the immigration process and to amplify the border security checks.

Applicants must answer some questions and give details such as their full name, address, date of birth, passport details, and travel plans, when doing their application online.

Live chat support for Laos visa application assistance